Cat's Out of the Bag!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We told all of our friends and extended family on Easter Sunday and I am so glad I can finally tell everyone and anyone!
Seriously, the hardest secret to keep, but it was worth it.
As of today, I am just a little over 13 weeks and officially in my 2nd trimester! Woohoo!
I feel like time is starting to go faster, which is nice. 
We went in for our 3rd appointment which was our 1st trimester screening appointment.
We got to see our little peanut on the screen and it really is the most AMAZING thing ever.
I really love my technician she is the sweetest and always makes me feel really comfortable.
We saw our baby as clear as day! It was seriously amazing. It was kicking its legs and moving its arms...even had the hiccups! So cute. & it's finally looking like a real baby. My tech said that she had never seen a clearer ultrasound in her 15 years of practice..we could see all the bones, the 4 chambers of the heart, two sides of the brain, the was just really cool.
Anyways, I am still feeling good...although just yesterday I woke up with worst congestion. I must've sneezed about 200 times yesterday it was unreal. I also got a little dizzy, which I read is supposedly normal. Still tired as ever though...I literally have to force myself to stay awake until 9 most nights.
We are so excited for this huge adventure and we really can't wait to be parents!! 
The other night Jason and I were talking and we got just a little bit sentimental knowing that this chapter in our life, the time we have shared together as husband and wife - just the two of us, is going to be over soon. Don't get me wrong, we are absolutely thrilled out of our minds, but grateful for the time that we have had to be together for the past 3 years, just the two of us. We both feel like this really is the perfect timing and we are so ready. (at least we think we are..but ready or not this is happening) 
Our next appointment is in just 3 weeks and it is the anatomy screening where we will find out the gender of our sweet babe! We already have a feeling of what it is, but I feel like if I say it, I might jinx it. :)
Here are some pictures that I took right after finding out I was pregnant & our most recent ultrasound.

^This is how we announced it via instagram and facebook. 


  1. when I was pregnant with Noella I was suuuper tired too. My hubby had many many nights where I was happily snoring by 7:30. I'm so so excited for you guys!

  2. So excited for you guys Annie! It is sad the alone time will be over, but you guys will have so much fun with your little babe!

  3. Love the pics. :) Can't wait to see the little babe in October!

  4. ANNIE! I am seriously in tears! I can't even explain how happy I am for you! wooo hoooo!!! Little babe is going to be so darling! Can't wait! Love you.

  5. Loved reading and reliving all these three posts regarding your pregnancy. You are one excellent writer. I feel like we are sitting on the couch just chatting away. So glad you have recoreded your feelings. One day this little one will read these words and know how loved and wanted he/she was.
    Your Mom
    (Can't get the name part to change.)

  6. Okay...somehow it printed my name.


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