SEVEN months

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I'm a little late on this, but on the 5th of this month, Pipey's turned seven months!
-she is the happiest baby..laughs all day long
-loves to eat. she eats a lot and she eats anything..can't feed her fast enough sometimes!
-sits up great
-takes 3 naps a day
-sleeping 10 hours at night
-knows her name
-is all of the sudden scared of the bath (so random! she usually loves the bath, but the last few times i put her in, she freaks)
-went on her first road trip to utah and did awesome. slept and ate the whole time
-unfortunately, by milk supply has decreased drastically so i am only nursing her morning and night..throughout the rest of the day she drinks formula
-is very observant
-still obsessed with her jumper
-scared of the vacuum
-loves her new room! we finally have it all put together and i just love it
-is getting sooo close to crawling..she wants to do it so bad and gets really frustrated when she can't
-still loves her car seat
-loves the jacuzzi
-loves to take off mommy's sunglasses...she thinks it's hilarious when i am wearing them. she also loves when i put them on her..she will literally just freeze and stare at me with them on. kills me.
-still has a leaky eye (clogged tear duct) it's constantly draining and i am constantly wiping her eye. doesn't even phase her anymore. doc said that it's really common and should clear up on its on. if not, then she will have to get surgery when she's 1. i guess it's a simple procedure but we are praying that it clears up on its own. 
-is the best buddy ever. she loves to go with me everywhere and has the best time doing it. (not like she has a choice ha)

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